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For doing great all is needed is YOU

All it started from a request of a used notebook, "some blank papers" , our security guard use to ask the kids in society. Which made me curious to know why he needed that...

To my surprise, this guard is well educated, a post-graduate and served countries in many ways which usually seems difficult for a common citizen. 

He is a passionate environment activist, and with his limited resources he keeps updated of what is going on  near by. He writes free for a local newspaper and submit the articles - bringing awareness in society about the impact of reduction in the greenery, increasing pollution. He received the appreciation letter from Ministry of Environment, India particularly for his concerns on increasing temperature and the suggested solutions to President Pranav Mukherji at that time. 

His mailed several poems to former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Bajpai describing the greatness and martyrdom during  Kargil war, for which he received reply for Atal ji.

Sharad Pawar, then state minister Maharashtra has replied to Tayade for his letters and concerns on the inflation and increasing price. His work and suggestions for increasing unemployment in Maharashtra is also being heard and he received the feedback letter from then Governor S C Gambhir. He got invited 6 times to speak on these issues at Radio in Maharashtra.  

Service to nation was not just limited to writing, but also he has also volunteered at affected places of natural disaster at Gujarat for Earthquake affected people, in Kerala for the flood relief etc. 
He continues to serve as a Security guard, and volunteer to write articles for the local newspaper on the environment issues. 

For giving back to nation, it is not always the Money and the status with which one can do, the thought and persistence brings huge difference. 

There are certainly  many people in this world whom no ones knows, but their efforts are bringing the impactful positive change. Living their normal life they do social work and consider that not only paying tax is their duty but there is much more what they can do for their country.


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